Marylin solavant
Marylin solavant

The second test reported by Guinness was Hoeflin's Mega Test, taken in the mid-1980s. But in the test manual's norms, the Binet does not permit IQs to rise above 170 at any age, child or adult. "Miss Savant was given an old version of the Stanford-Binet (Terman & Merrill 1937), which did, indeed, use the antiquated formula of MA/CA × 100.

marylin solavant

I looked at this wiki article about her and it says she went to a community college and later quit to work in her familty business. The night before, Dave announces Marilyn Mach Vos Savant's upcoming appearance, doubting her status as "the smartest woman in the world." Marilyn Mach Vos Savant on Letterman, March 11, 1986 Therefore the chances are still 50/50 and switching doesn't matter. There is also a lot of activity on the internet about the Monty Hall problem and a lot of people claim most people think switching doors doesn't matter and then they say they're all wrong and then give their explanation about 1/3 and 2/3 chances blah, blah, blah, but don't realize after the door was opened by the game host that leaves two doors and deciding whether or not to switch is the same as just picking one or the other door without choosing a door before one of the doors are opened by the game host. No matter how many times you flip a coin the chances of it coming up heads or tails is always 50/50. She also thinks you should switch doors in the Monty Hall problem which I disagree with.

marylin solavant

I remember reading something she said a couple years ago about the public buying bonds and refinancing goverment debt, which seems a little niiave. She seems to talk about a lot of things in a logical way. I was wondering how much education she has. I watched these two videos about Marilyn Mach Vos Savant and decided to do a little research about her. Marilyn Mach Vos Savant has been in the lime light now and then and is supposed to have the highest IQ in the world or highest IQ for a woman (?), according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Marylin solavant