All of that is legible on the surface of 'Something Happening/Always Happening,' but here listeners are gifted with another side of Jason's voice: his singing, which is just as unhurried and serene as you'd expect.
For the last decade, he’s penned liner notes and criticism, and contributed to Aquarium Drunkard, hosting the weekly Transmissions podcast and Range and Basin on Radio Free Aquarium Drunkard on dublab, a radiophonic showcase for his love of comic books, science fiction, and mysticism. Woodbury's voice may be familiar to those interested in the more theologic strains of American songwriting. Songs for stepping out of the spaceship to crack a goddamn cold one on a blurry summer day, taking a moment to enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass. It’s a collection of songs you might hear on the radio after a cosmic camping trip, familiar but far off. 'Something Happening/Always Happening' is the debut from his project JPW.

Jason Woodbury is a galactic citizen, dialing in from the Sonoran Desert on planet Earth. The songs are out there, you simply have to tune your instruments to them. They hear Roy Orbison's three-octaves loud and clear at the other end of the galaxy, the Vox Continental minor/major organ stabs from '96 Tears' teeter around the edge of some celestial Kirby Crackle, The Ronettes' broken hearted melodies bounce off purple deserts on the dark side of Venus. "Every jangly guitar chord ever broadcast over AM radio is still out there vibrating, one wave among many in the ever-expanding cosmos.